Knowledge of the dissipation behavior of compounds in soil and water plays an important role in determining the environmental fate of substances such as crop protection chemicals. Degradation behavior in soil and water forms the basis for assessing the environmental risk of the material. PSM personnel have been conducting studies of the degradation behavior of compounds in soil and water for many years. Studies involving terrestrial field studies and aquatic field studies are easily accommodated.


Registration Support and study planning
Study Directorship and Project Management
Coordination with field personnel
Selection of study locations
Generation of the study protocol
Determination of relevant site parameters
Generation of the final study report



Terrestrial Field Dissipation
Aquatic Dissipation
Field Leaching
Drip / Drench Irrigation


A network of experienced employees and contractual partners conduct field trials under all geographical and climatic conditions. All GLP studies are inspected and audited by trained QA personnel. Analytical laboratory analysis of field samples will be monitored by an experienced residue chemist at PSM. All data will be evaluated for accuracy and data integrity.


Complete study management services.
Protocols written in accordance with client specifications and government guidelines.
Target crops, if required, grown in accordance with commercial practices for the test region.

Precision applications resulting in quality field samples.
Continuous monitoring of results to prevent unnecessary laboratory analysis.
Accurate raw data.
Complete and compliant final study reports.
Full QA monitoring via field inspections, raw data audits and final report audits.